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Featuring Le. Goulden, Jo. Brown and My. Case

 Saturates & Manipulation is a project in-which I dive into the affect unusual representation can have on the way we perceive the arts. Featuring multiple personalities such as Le. Goulden, My. Case and Jo. Brown, I was able to create a diverse direction for the project. Being my first venture into  colour-gel effective photography, it was challenging finding further progressions, so I kept to what I'd understood about photography and utilised this oppotunity to understand something that had grasped my interest when researching the works of Angela Marklew.

Research, planning and practical implementing spanning over a month, the time proved very rewarding in terms of knowing what I wanted to achieve on the day; Object Manipulation and Varying Colour Saturates.

The project resulted in some vastly promising results that I'm very proud to have achieved. Ranging from creative, vibrant and colourful pieces, to outstanding emotion and curiosity demonstrated on the models throughout, I can say I almost hit the nail on the head with this; I believe I missed on bettering things such as physical representation. 

I'd initially planned on utilising the entire team to create some really fascinating works, but regulatory circumstances under the international pandemic COVID-19 had left me concerned. More so, with physical make-up; I would have liked to introduce safe product, such as glitter or foundation to really influence those extreme close-up shots. Though not something that would influence later clients, it was something that I have learned as a possibility and can work around next time.



dsryusf took it even further

Inspired by 2016 Vaporwave, Joseph took to making several edits of their own photoshoot; boasting heavy vibrancy, nuance visuals, and an all-round definitive Visual Arts piece.

...as did myls.c

Myles has a spite of interest for a face-melt effect in their Photoshop work, boasting a creed of emotion to us as a viewer. Their unification of our photoshoot, with their gooey art style emulates something unreal.